Join a National Research Study on Improving Acceleration Practices

Click here for information about the study and timeline


The National Center for Research on Gifted Education is seeking school districts interested in expanding their use of academic acceleration as a way to meet the needs of advanced learners. We are interested in districts with elementary schools serving grade 2 through grade 5 students. Academic acceleration is the intervention for advanced learners that has shown the greatest effect on learning and achievement. We will provide your district with a) free professional learning opportunities around what acceleration actually is and how it can be used, b) a universal screening process to assist in determining which students should be considered for acceleration, and c) resources and training that will help you implement grade acceleration decisions for those students who wish to accelerate.

  • Please indicate the number of elementary schools in the district serving grade 2 through grade 5 students.
  • Indicate the achievement test(s) your district uses with grade 2 through grade 5th students.
  • Indicate the cognitive test(s) your district uses with grade 2 thru grade 5 students.
  • This field is for validation purposes and should be left unchanged.