The National Center for Research on Gifted Education (NCRGE - 2014-2020) held a free virtual conference on Friday, March 26, 2021. The conference (NCRGE's First Five Years: Results, Reflections, and Recommendations) included three short presentations by NCRGE researchers followed by reflections and recommendation for practice and future research from panelists. .
Presentation: Welcome and Overview of Data Collected
Presentation: Overview of What Gifted Education Looks Like
Slides: Overview of What Gifted Education Looks Like
Presentation: Research on Promising Practices for Identifying Gifted Students from Underserved Populations
Slides: Research on Promising Practices for Identifying Gifted Students from Underserved Populations
Presentation: What Teachers Really Do in the Classroom and Factors That Influence Their Decisions
Slides: What Teachers Really Do in the Classroom and Factors That Influence Their Decisions
What Teachers Really Do in the Classroom and Factors That Influence Their Decisions 3_26_2021
Presentation: Review of Chat Conversations
Presentation: Comments from Participants
Presentation: Demonstration of Shiny App to Graph NCRGE Data
Link to Shiny App: Shiny App to Graph NCRGE Data