Goal 2 Module 6





  1. Explain how the CASA criteria are part of an interrelated system for examining your gifted identification system.
  2. Apply the CASA criteria to your own district context, understanding the interrelatedness of CASA.


Learning Tasks

  1. Watch Goal 2 Module 6 Video
  2. Complete Goal 2 Module 6 Application Activity (recommended)
  3. Read Goal 2 Module 6 Additional Resources (recommended)


Watch the following video over applying the CASA Criteria.



Goal 2 Module 6 Application Activity

Download and complete the CASA Criteria Checklist


Goal 2 Module 6 Additional Resources

Peters, S. J., Stambaugh, T., Makel, M. C., Lee, L. E., McBee, M., McCoach, D. B., & Johnson, K. (2023). The CASA criteria for evaluating gifted and talented identification systems: Cost, alignment, sensitivity, and access. Gifted Child Quarterly, 67(2), 137–150. https://doi.org/10.1177/00169862221124887

Stambaugh, T., Lee, L. E., Makel, M., Peters, S., & Johnson, K. R. (2024). How Does Your Identification System Measure Up? A Guide to Applying the CASA Criteria to Gifted and Talented Identification Systems. Gifted Child Today, 47(4), 246-259. https://doi.org/10.1177/10762175241263983



After completing all learning tasks for this module, you will need to take the Goal 2 Knowledge Check.


Goal 2 Knowledge Check Quiz

The Goal 2 Knowledge Check covers information from Modules 1–6.

After completing all modules for Goal 2, you'll proceed to Goal 3: Psychometric Concepts.




This work was supported by a grant from the U.S. Department of Education (award number S206A200007 – 21) as part of the Jacob K. Javits Gifted and Talented Students Education Program. The contributors to this site include Kiana Johnson, Lindsay Lee, Matt Makel, Matthew McBee, Betsy McCoach, Scott Peters, & Tamra Stambaugh.