General Feedback for Section 2.1 Check-Up

General Feedback for Section 2.1 Check-Up


Q1. Which type of an assessment tries to avoid any connection to particular learning experiences students might have had?

a. Ability

b. Achievement

c. Aptitude


Correct answer: a.


Q2. What type of assessment is required to be given to all students in certain grade levels as part of No Child Left Behind?

a. Ability

b. Achievement

c. Aptitude


Correct answer: b. To be in compliance with NCLB / ESSA, a state must give all students in grades 3-8 an academic Achievement test in English / Language Arts and Math. There are also requirements for Science and Social Studies. 


Q3. As part of the “Talent Search” program, students in grades 3 through 6 take the PSAT, which is designed for students in grades 8 and 9. Giving a test designed for older kids to younger kids yields what kind of information about students?

a. Ability

b. Achievement

c. Aptitude


Correct answer: c. Any time we give an “above-level” test to a student or see if she has learned content typical of older students, we are assessing aptitude or readiness for advanced content. 




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